Memorial Scholarship Fund
2025 LMSA Auction Donation Form
The Legislative Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 as the successor of the Gould-Michaud Scholarship Funds. The original scholarship funds began in memory of Representative Stephen Gould of Orono and House Page David Michaud, and were available to students attending the Universities in Orono and Fort Kent.
Auctions to raise money for these two funds began in 1981 and continued through 1994, at which time a Scholarship Committee was formed and the new Legislative Memorial Scholarship Fund began. The new fund would make scholarship awards available to Maine residents attending any accredited Maine institution of higher education, in honor of all Legislators and Staff who served the Maine Legislature.
All funds for the scholarship have been raised through an Auction held in Augusta. Legislators, Staff and Lobbyists participate in the event by soliciting and making donations, organizing and even "auctioneering". Hundreds of items are donated, many of them "made in Maine", such as sardines, paintings and weekend get-a-ways. The auctions have been a tremendous success, making it possible for 16 students, one from each county in Maine, to receive as much as a $1000 award.
Congratulations to the 2024 Legislative Memorial Scholarship Recipients
(Recipients selected from applications submitted by June 1, 2023 deadline)
- Androscoggin – Brianna Letourneau
- Aroostook – Logan Bernier
- Cumberland – Morgan Fusco
- Franklin – Emma Towers
- Hancock – Elaina Thomas
- Kennebec – Brooke Belz
- Knox – Anna Carpenter
- Lincoln – Jacob Rousseau
- Oxford – Wm. Vladimir McCarthy
- Penobscot – Noah Tibbetts
- Piscataquis – Alexa Bjork
- Sagadahoc – Natalie Emmerson
- Somerset – Hannah Robinson
- Waldo – Audra Faulkingham
- Washington – Emmalee Donahue-Ripley
- York – Emily DeSimone
APPLY Applicants may begin applying for the scholarship to be awarded in 2025 on February 2, 2024. The application deadline is June 1, 2024.
Prior Year's Recipients (List)
Prior Years' Reicpients (by year)
2025 LMSA Auction Donation Form
The Legislative Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 as the successor of the Gould-Michaud Scholarship Funds. The original scholarship funds began in memory of Representative Stephen Gould of Orono and House Page David Michaud, and were available to students attending the Universities in Orono and Fort Kent. |
Auctions to raise money for these two funds began in 1981 and continued through 1994, at which time a Scholarship Committee was formed and the new Legislative Memorial Scholarship Fund began. The new fund would make scholarship awards available to Maine residents attending any accredited Maine institution of higher education, in honor of all Legislators and Staff who served the Maine Legislature. |